Maple Bear Curitiba - Batel


jul 26, 2022

A look beyond




Maple Bear promotes an innovative and entrepreneurial journey in the students’ lives. They develop creativity, imagination, reading, day-to-day math, scientific method and teamwork.

In a dynamic, technological world, in which manual work becomes less relevant and artificial intelligence becomes the norm, creativity and innovation become fundamental differentials in the education sector. At Maple Bear imagination has no limits.

During class, it is possible to blend examples of daily life and elements like music to the subjects being studied. One example is photosynthesis. The students grasp the way plants grow by transforming sunlight and CO2. They use a song – “They Grow” – produced by Science Rap Academy, from Nueva School, in California (United States). The rhythm and the lyrics help the students to understand the process.

This example is inspiring for Maple Bear teachers. Creativity and imagination are the cogs in the schools’ learning wheel and are key components of the learning system. First, new information is presented to the student. Second, the relationship of the data with the student’s life is established, so that the students can analyze and compare. “Then, if we are talking about climate, we present the differences between Brazil and Canada. The student manages to deepen the comprehension level”, states Phyllis Hildebrandt, Maple Bear Brazil’s Academic Director.

Maple Bear schools have many excellent examples of this creative approach to opening doors and minds. At Maple Bear Santos (state of São Paulo seaside, in Brazil) school, teacher Thiago de Almeida Reis taught Ancient Greece for Year 6. Using the theme “Among Gods and Monsters from Greek Mythology”, he proposed that the students make their own drawings of a god, goddess, hero, monster, or fantastical being. The students already knew the differences between the historical periods: archaic, classical and Hellenistic.

They were free to create their drawings in any manner of their choice. These examples are common and widespread throughout the Maple Bear family in Brazil, and in the world. Imagination and creativity generate more complex levels of thought. “We deepen this level of understanding from preschoolers up to our high school students”, comments the Academic Director.

By building new associations and connections in the mind, new worlds and possibilities are opened through the use of creative education methods.