Maple Bear Curitiba - Batel


jul 26, 2022

The little ones’ world




Bilingualism is one of the pillars at Maple Bear and the process starts early. From one year of age onward, children are immersed in an English learning context. They develop their social, emotional, physical and cognitive skills in meaningful, conversational situations in their second language.

At Maple Bear, children not only learn English, they learn in English. The children’s holistic development is strengthened in subjects in their native language starting in kindergarten. This means that the school environment has two languages consolidated as teaching and learning tools.

The Maple Bear network of schools adopts the principle of “play-based learning”. This is teaching based on discovery learning through play. It allows for experiences, games, interactions and all the playful routines the child needs. “When playing, children amuse themselves, create, interpret and interact with the world around them. As a result, they evolve in all areas – physical, intellectual, emotional and social”, points out Andréa Lopes, Pedagogic and Bilingual Coordinator for Maple Bear RJ Gávea, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To develop a second language, Maple Bear provides the ideal environment for learning. Schools have generously sized classrooms, where the children have at their disposal several learning centres in the same place: Make & Create, Drama & Imagination, Sensory & Discovery, Story & Music.

Children are able to absorb information much more efficiently when the teacher and the school engage them with the use of music, stories, creativity and imagination. They investigate, experiment and discover the world with the teacher’s guidance and support. Students become scientists, designers, builders and explorers. The toys and books are tools that provide a pathway in the journey of knowledge. The “hands-on” approach stimulates their curiosity, makes them experience new things while collaborating with other children. Everything is designed in accordance with their age and with a focus on personal and academic development. The children’s games and other activities are carried out safely and with supervision. In our network of schools, play and learning are entwined and are essential for the development of academic and bilingual skills.