Maple Bear Curitiba - Batel


jul 26, 2022

The value of early childhood education




Early Childhood is a crucial stage in education. It’s not only the first experience a child goes through in an environment without their parents but also represents the first contact with change and transformation. When you think of preschool, what do you imagine? Are you afraid that your child is too small for this? Does the thought of preparation make you nervous? Well, don’t be. The beginning of school life is highly positive for the child. At this time young children are exposed to numbers, letters, shapes and they develop social and emotional abilities through learning to share, contribute and interact with other children. The results show that children who attend preschool continue on to elementary school with advanced abilities in pre-reading, with richer vocabularies and stronger basic skills in mathematics. This way, they can take maximum advantage of the early childhood years when their minds are sponges. They can absorb a lot, more than you think! They will start asking some wonderful questions about the world that surrounds them. They will wonder, for example, if birds play and what happens to the water after a storm? Lots of great questions to answer. However, the school will make this job easier, because it will teach your children to find answers through exploration, experimentation and conversation. Remember that, for small children, preschool means having fun and acquiring essential abilities. It’s not just about reaching academic milestones. They need to be imaginative and social because this is what makes creative, committed and balanced adults.

It’s not a matter of knowing if they are able to read at four years old or multiply by five. It’s important to highlight that a child’s education doesn’t stop when he/she goes back home. He/she will have many stories to tell and questions to ask. During the learning process, family support is key to Maple Bear’s objectives and becomes a two-way motivator and partner.