Maple Bear Curitiba - Batel


jul 26, 2022

We are a global team




Through the Maple Bear Global Connections program, schools throughout the world will be able to unite in innovative ways, learning about sustainability through this unique online platform. The initiative is a virtual exchange to connect students in order to share knowledge, learn and teach together. The idea is to make collaboration possible between Maple Bear students from different countries.

Even students in Year 1 can connect and explore differences. They can appreciate the richness of accents, history, heritage and culture while working toward a common goal. The program has well-defined academic purposes. The virtual meetings will incorporate the 17 sustainability goals as identified by the United Nations (UN). The Maple Bear Global Connections program will cover key themes such as poverty eradication, quality education, clean energy, economic growth and sustainable agriculture. Everything, of course, aligned to the Canadian methodology.

Each cycle of the program lasts for two months. The students interact in virtual meetings and in guided encounters created by the Canadian academic team. Throughout each project, students conduct research and debate in order to build concrete solutions to the problems being investigated.

Besides the experience of creating projects together with other schools in the world, the program prepares the students for daily challenges. It explores communication, empathy and respect. And the most importantly: they all think together about ways of transforming the planet. Their future will have roots in their school formation. Thus, the students prepare themselves to be transformative agents.